A Guide to Maximizing Natural Light in Office Building Design

Building design can impact your business in multiple ways, affecting customer impressions and employee behaviors. As you plan a new office construction, one of the most important factors to consider is the amount of natural light the interior receives. Ample sunlight can provide significant benefits for workers and businesses. Here’s a closer look at why you should prioritize natural light in the office and how to incorporate it into your building design.

What Are the Benefits of Natural Light? 

Natural light is one of the most sought-after office perks, so increasing the amount in the office could bolster your ability to attract new employees and keep the existing staff happy. Not only will employees feel more content about their office environment, but exposure to natural light can also elevate workers’ moods during the day, help them sleep better at night, and improve their quality of life. 

Employees who are well-rested and generally happy are more likely to be creative, productive, and hardworking. Working in an office with ample natural light can make employees feel more engaged, which may improve focus and teamwork. 


More exposure to natural light can also improve health. Research has found that workers in naturally lighted environments experience up to 84% fewer headaches, eyestrain, and blurred vision symptoms. 

Vitamin D is essential for immune system health and mood. While it can be found in foods and supplements, the sun is the best source. The body produces vitamin D by converting cholesterol when the sun’s rays contact the skin. Employees who work in offices with more natural light tend to take fewer sick days than those in predominantly artificially lighted environments. 

How Can You Increase Natural Light in Office Building Design? 

Not every employee needs a desk with a view to experience the benefits of natural light. However, generously sized windows and glass walls can make it significantly easier to provide everyone with ample sunlight. Glass walls are ideal, as these allow light to flow unrestricted. These may also facilitate a more welcoming, open atmosphere. 

In addition to tall, wide windows, consider strategically placed work pods near the perimeter of the office. You can also add one or more skylights in the center of the space. Here, you may want to place a communal work area where staff can periodically gather for meetings and collaborative projects.